
1 Samuel 22:1-5

1 So David departed from there and escaped to the cave of Adullam; and when his brothers and all his father’s household heard about it, they went down there to him.

2 Then everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered to him; and he became captain over them. Now there were about four hundred men with him.

3 And David went from there to Mizpah of Moab; and he said to the king of Moab, “Please let my father and my mother come and stay with you until I know what God will do for me.”

4 Then he left them with the king of Moab; and they stayed with him all the time that David was in the stronghold.

5 But Gad the prophet said to David, “Do not stay in the stronghold; leave, and go into the land of Judah.” So David left and went into the forest of Hereth.

From Adullam to Moab

Cave of Adullam

After escaping from the Philistine city of Gath, David took refuge in the town of Adullam, located about 12 miles southwest of Bethlehem. This city, situated on the border between the territories of the Philistine and Judah, was surrounded by numerous caves, providing an ideal hiding place for David. (1) Hearing of this, David’s relatives came to him. They feared that they would be killed by king Saul. (2) Furthermore, people suffering under Saul’s tyrannical rule and those dissatisfied with him began to gather around David, eventually forming a group of 400 men. They recognized David as their leader.

Mitzpah of Moab

(1) David was concerned for his elderly parents, as the environment was too harsh for the old. (2) Therefore, he took his family to Mizpah in Moab and entrusted his parents to the king of Moab. He chose the land of Moab, not Edom or Ammon, because it was the land where his ancestress, Ruth, originated from. (3) It is believed that the king of Moab held David in high esteem. The king accepted David’s parents as requested. (4) While David was in the stronghold of Moab, Gad the prophet visited him and spoke the word of God clearly, saying, “Do not stay in the stronghold; leave, and go into the land of Judah.” This was a very important prophecy. The land where David was called is Judah. It is there, and only there, that David was to be anointed. (5) Therefore, David left the stronghold of Moab and moved several miles southeast to the forest of Hereth. Let’s pay attention to David’s obedience. Moving to the land of Judah also meant exposing himself to danger. However, he believed that it was the land of God’s promise and headed boldly towards Judah. This applies to our lives as well. No matter how dangerous it may seem, the safest place to be is the place of God’s will. Are you currently distancing yourself from the place of God’s will? If so, let’s return to your “land of Judah.”

Today's prayer

Heavenly Father, please protect me so that I may continue to remain in the land of Your will. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.