1 Now it happened that while Apollos was in Corinth, Paul passed through the upper country and came to Ephesus, and found some disciples.
2 He said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” And they said to him, “On the contrary, we have not even heard if there is a Holy Spirit.”
3 And he said, “Into what then were you baptized?” And they said, “Into John’s baptism.”
4 Paul said, “John baptized with a baptism of repentance, telling the people to believe in Him who was coming after him, that is, in Jesus.”
5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
6 And when Paul had laid hands upon them, the Holy Spirit came on them and they began speaking with tongues and prophesying.
7 There were about twelve men in all.
The term “disciple” usually refers to believers who are disciples of Jesus, but the disciples Paul encountered in Ephesus were not such believers. Sensing the inadequacy of their faith, Paul asked them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” (a) The KJV translation renders the same verse as “Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?” This is problematic as it separates believing and receiving the Holy Spirit as two distinct events. (b) Translations such as NASB2020, NIV, and ASV renders it correctly as “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” Indeed, we receive the Holy Spirit at the moment we believe. Let’s compare the translations of the disciples’ answer. “On the contrary, we have not even heard if there is a Holy Spirit” (NASB2020). “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit” (NIV). “We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit” (NKJV). “Nay, we did not so much as hear whether the Holy Spirit was given” (ASV). All of these translations are accurate. (1) They did not know the content of the gospel. (2) Furthermore, they were unaware that the promise of the Holy Spirit had been given. (C) John the Baptist had introduced the Messiah as the one who would “baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire.” The understanding of the gospel by these disciples was even less developed than that of Apollos.
“And he said, ‘Into what then were you baptized?’ And they said, ‘Into John’s baptism.’” (1) Let’s compare other translations. “Then what baptism did you receive?” (NIV). “Into what then were ye baptized?” (ASV). Considering the basic definition of baptism is identification, ASV is a better rendition. (2) Their response was, “Into John’s baptism.” (a) They were disciples of John the Baptist and had been baptized by him 20 years earlier. However, they left the land of Israel before Jesus’ public ministry began and were therefore ignorant of the gospel. (b) They were similar to Apollos before he met Aquila and Priscilla. They were not yet saved and had not experienced the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. During the transitional period from Judaism to Christianity, such believers existed. The Holy Spirit dwells within those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ. Let’s believe in this truth and walk daily with an awareness of the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
Today's prayer
Heavenly Father, I thank You for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Today, I will continue to follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.